We are a law firm specialising in commercial law with offices in Bremen, Hamburg and Munich. At our Bremen office, our specialised lawyers support you in all areas of commercial law, from commercial law, company law, maritime trade and transport law, employment law and intellectual property law to real estate law. In addition, several lawyers also act as notaries here.
Standort Bremen
Am Wall 153 – 156
28195 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 36 60 10
Fax: +49 421 36 60 151
E-Mail: bremen@blaum.de
Public Transport:
Tram station "Herdentor". Tram 4, 5, 6 and 8 as well as busses 24 and 25 stop here. They all stop at main train station, tramline 6 also stops at Bremen airport.
Direction city center. Parking decks: central, Katherinen-klosterhof and Violenstraße. All parking decks are signposted.

Heike Ahrens-Kulenkampff
Lawyer and notary public (Bremen office), certified specialist lawyer in labour law

Dr. Jürgen Bechtloff
Lawyer and notary public (Bremen office), certified specialist lawyer in banking and capital markets law, certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

Jan-Malte Böttcher
Lawyer, certified specialist lawyer for commercial and corporate law, certified specialist lawyer for information technology law

Marlen Cordes
Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.

Dr. Götz Grevesmühl
Lawyer, Notary Public, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law, Certified Specialist in Tax Law

Dr. Nils Gödecke
Lawyer, certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

Claus Holzhüter
Lawyer, certified specialist lawyer in transport and forwarding law

Dr. Markus Häußer
Lawyer, LL.M. (Univ. of Bristol), Certified Specialist in Transport and Forwarding Law

Dr. Lars Konukiewitz
Lawyer, certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

Sarah Koop

Stephan Kulenkampff
Lawyer, notary (retired)

Dr. Uwe Lenz
Attorney and Notary Public (Bremen), Certified Specialist in Tax Law

Dr. Anneke Maack
Lawyer, LL.M. eur. (University of Bremen), certified specialist lawyer in intellectual property law

Dr. Andreas Meyer im Hagen
Attorney and Notary Public (Bremen), Certified Specialist in Tax Law

Caroline Meyer im Hagen
Lawyer, LL.M. (Uppsala University), certified specialist lawyer in tax law

Dr. Wolfgang Richter
Lawyer and former notary, certified specialist lawyer in tax law

Prof. Dr. Elke Wietoska
Lawyer, specialised lawyer for transport and forwarding law

Dr. Leif Zänker
Lawyer and notary (Bremen office), certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

Dr. Olaf Zimmer
Attorney and Notary Public (Bremen), Certified Specialist in Tax Law