Karriere bei Blaum


Start with us or dare to make a new start! Flat hierarchies, a communicative atmosphere, a multidisciplinary team with the best minds in your field - together with us you can create something special!

We fulfil this claim by having qualified colleagues from various specialist areas working together in a motivated manner and with an eye for the essentials. Each and every one of our 70 or so colleagues is important to us.

We place a great deal of importance on quality, commitment and reliability. Discretion is the basis of our trustful working relationship with our clients. The traditional ethical standards within our profession remain essential for us.

blaum Rechtsanwalt Bremen Hamburg

Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte

A partnership-based and personal structure characterises our daily collaboration in the team. We organise ourselves into specialist teams that work closely together on an ongoing basis. In addition, we rely on the specialisation of individual colleagues within the team and thus bring their individual expertise to bear across teams.


Trainee lawyer training

We are always on the lookout for good trainee lawyers. That's why we want to inspire qualified trainee lawyers to join our team.

We will introduce you step by step to increasingly complex topics and support you in preparing for the second state examination.


Rechtsanwalts- und Notarfachangestellte

At the same time, we do not leave you alone, but accompany you step by step and with an always open ear. We give you the security and confidence so that you can develop your potential!

Our team includes as many non-lawyer employees as lawyers. Quality, commitment and reliability are our standards here as well. We offer you a challenging and varied position as a

Ausbildung in der Kanzlei Blaum Dettmers Rabstein Rechtsanwälte


We help you get off to a good start in your career with solid training.

With us, you can expect a varied activity, support from our experienced law firm manager, a modern and pleasant learning and working environment, nice and committed colleagues and an appropriate training salary.




Bremen – ab sofort – Sie verfügen über eine abgeschlossene Ausbildung, möglichst über Berufserfahrung im Notariat, haben Spaß an guter Arbeit und Teambewusstsein?

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Hamburg – Ab sofort – Sie können den Überblick in größeren Projekten mit einer Vielzahl von Verträgen und Anlagen und eine Vielzahl von kleineren Projekten bewahren? Sind Sie engagiert und belastbar, verfügen über evtl. über Berufserfahrung nach Möglichkeit in einer wirtschaftsrechtlich ausgerichteten Sozietät, solide Kenntnisse der englischen Sprache sowie einen präzisen und selbständigen Arbeitsstil?

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We look forward to receiving your application documents. You are welcome to send your application to the following colleagues.
Rechtsanwalt und Notar (Amtssitz Bremen), Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht Dr. Leif Zänker

Dr. Leif Zänker

Lawyer and notary (Bremen office), certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

› To the current Opportunities
Or you can apply directly at karriere@blaum.de