DR. UWE LENZ Rechtsanwalt und Notar (Amtssitz Bremen), Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht

Dr. Uwe Lenz

Telephone: +49 421 36 60 166

Fax: +49 421 36 60 151

Office Bremen
Am Wall 153-156
28195 Bremen

Dr. Uwe Lenz

Attorney and Notary Public (Bremen), Certified Specialist in Tax Law

Practice Areas:
Corporate Law (with an emphasis on Mergers & Acquisitions), Tax Law (with an emphasis on Corporate Tax Law), Estate and Probate Law

› University of Osnabrück (Law)
› Worked at a mid-size corporate law firm from 1990-1993
› Partner at Schütte, Richter & Partner in Bremen (1991-2020)
› Serves on the supervisory board of a European corporation

Admitted in 1990

Languages: English