Rechtsanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Unternehmenssteuerrecht bei Kanzlei Blaum: DR. NILS GÖDECKE

Dr. Nils Gödecke

Phone: +49 421 36 60 131

Fax: +49 421 36 60 151

Secretariat: Ms. Bock

Office Bremen
Am Wall 153-156
28195 Bremen

Dr. Nils Gödecke

Lawyer, certified specialist lawyer in commercial and corporate law

Practice Areas:
Commercial and corporate law, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), corporate tax law

Remuneration systems in the liberal professions: Fee schedule versus remuneration agreement,, in: Unternehmensrestrukturierung und Unternehmensinsolvenz, Heidelberg 2015, S. 175 – 219 

Studied in Heidelberg, research assistant at the Chair of German and European Corporate and Commercial Law at the University of Heidelberg under Prof. Dr. Werner F. Ebke (2014 to 2016), legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Bremen with stations at the Senator for Finance in Bremen and at national and international commercial law firms in Bremen and Hamburg (2016 to 2018), second state examination in law (2018)

Admitted to the bar in 2018
Doctorate in „Wirtschaftsprüfung und Schiedsverfahren“, University of Heidelberg (2019)

Languages: English