Rechtswanwältin für An- und Verkauf von Schiffen, Schiffsfinanzierung und -registrierung, Seehandels- und Transportrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht, Handelsrechtbei Kanzlei Blaum: Daja H. Böhlhoff

Daja H. Böhlhoff

Phone: +49 40 36 97 74 52

Fax: +49 40 36 97 74 10

Secretariat: Katrin Birr

Office Hamburg
Vorsetzen 50
20459 Hamburg

Daja H. Böhlhoff

Lawyer, LL.M. (Univ. of London)

Practice Areas:
Maritime commercial law, sale and purchase of ships, ship financing, maritime trade and transport law, company law, commercial law

Functions and memberships:
German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA), German Maritime Law Association (DVIS), German Transport Law Association (DGTR), London Shipping Law Centre, Nautical Associations of Hamburg and Emden, Women's International Shipping and Trading Association 

Münchener Vertragshandbuch (NYPE Zeitcharter, BIMCO Liner Bill of Lading)

Studied in Hamburg, first state examination in 1995, master's degree in London (LL.M. in Maritime Law, University College), 1999/2000 stage of several months at a maritime law firm in New York City, second state law examination in 2000

Admitted to the bar in 2000 

Since 2007 lecturer at the University of Bremen (Shipping and Chartering programme)
Since 2009 Lecturer at the Hamburg Transport Academy

Languages: English